Monday, April 5, 2010

Week Ten: Marching Season Begins

I've posted some new photos of Dublin and other places:!/group.php?gid=203598854473

This began as a very great week. On Monday, we had an excellent turn out for tea with the elderly. It great to be able to just serve people in the community and hear their stories. I was able to share a brief story about what the Lord had done for me regarding fixing a car. We spent the rest of the night having dessert and a table quiz. We hope to have a good time in the next few Mondays.

The Easter week also starts an intersting time in Northern Ireland called marching season. Starting the day before Easter all through to August. So, this morning at 9 am a 50 member feif and drum corps was marching down the street. They will continue to do so at different times on different days for 3 months. They march in pride for the British flag, remembering the past atrocities of the IRA and the Troubles. There are, at the same time, marches in other parts of the City. The Irish march for their country, the oppression of the British over the Irish for Hundreds od years and the atrocities committed against them in the Troubles. As I stood watching i understood the trouble of the marches. As we work daily to restore peace there are others who want to propagate the memories of the past and open old wounds. But perhaps one day it will heal fully.

The rest of the week we were joined in lectures by an awesome fella name Emmanuel. He came to speak about living lives properly rooted in Christ. It seems so funny to talk about living a life that has value in a person that can't even be seen. Immanuel though was encouraging. He spoke about living a life that was full of life. To me he said that the Lord has made me to be fearless with a gentle courage. He had other encouraging things to tell other students and all in all it was great time.

We have also began to prepare for the overseas outreach portion of our time here. We will be spending a month in Israel and Palestine. It's a difficult trip not because of the danger but because the people there are truly in need. We will not be going as a tourist group but to live. We'll be staying in a flat off of the beaten tourist path. While we are there we will be spending time on both sides of the wall. We will be spending time with children and youth groups. The problem American Christians have is that we are constantly told by famous TV preachers how important Israel is and to fear the Palestinians. But, like Irish history, the problems run deep and are not as one sided as it seems. As Christians we need to have a strong concern, not only for our Palestinian and Israeli Christian brothers and sisters but also the peaceful Muslims that live there also and are having their land illegally taken away by Israel. There is much grief there and it needs to be faced. And we are going to live there and help and take time to listen.

That said, I have an issue to ask for help about. The cost of the outreach has surpassed my savings by $2,500. I am asking if you will help me finish my time here and Israel by contributing some financial support. Also, you should probably know, that it's my intentions to return here full time, so it's necessary to finish this time here. If you feel like your able to help support the rest of my time here and in Israel you can send checks to YWAM or my Parents. Thanks in advance for your help.

YWAM- Northern Ireland
C/O Michael Maeder
32 Townsend Street
Belfast, Northern Ireland
BT13 2ES

My Folks:
Mike Maeder
412A Country Trace
Branson, MO 65616