Monday, February 8, 2010

Week Two: Countryside and Vision of the Mission


There really are no words to describe

the Irish countryside, especially from this photo I took early in morning at the Old YWAM base in Closkelt, NI. We went there last weekend and began out first phase of lecture on the "Father Heart of God" The speaker's name was Mike Oman and he spent hours, not simply lecturing, but telling stories of how the Lord had worked in his life. Everything from providing everything he needed to the time when things got rough and the Lord gave him direction. The most meaningful verse he gave that week was in Psalm 139, the thesis of God's love for us. In it is says how much he care for us, how he knows our ways, he hems us in behind and before and was even involved in out making.

After leaving Closkelt we drove about an hour to Rostrevor... The leadership here at YWAM had decided to GIVE the Closkelt base away to another group earlier this year not know what the Lord may be doing. Within only a week of getting here, the Lord gave them a new campus, the Estate at Rostrevor. It's name was the "Christian Renewal Center" and served as a place for many different Christians to come and pray and interceed for this island. It is a 20 Room, 9+ bathroom sort of mansion with a dining hall, conference room, many studies and sitting rooms. It is both a place to rest and to fight (spiritually, of course :) While we were there we interceeded for this nation with many other leaders, both Catholic and Protestant alike for the building of this nation. It was blessed.

We returned here for many other lectures about the Father Heart of God, but I was particularly intrigued by what the Lord would lead me into...

I was walking one night with some of the student home when we were stopped by a young
boy(15) smoking a cigarette. He asked if we would rather walk through the park, it being a shorter route. My friends declined but I was curious, so I went along. We only fiddled in Idle chatter, he asked me If I met any movie stars and what kinds of animals just run about. We reached the end of our walk and he had to go. I didn't know if I would ever see him again. A few days later , I saw him on the street and I stopped him. We ended up walking all the way back to my house and we had quite a conversation. This is part of his story and a glimpse into the purpose of my mission here.

His name is Dillion and is 15. His folks divorced when he was 3 or 4 and at one point his mother had kidnapped him back, but now he lives with his dad again. Both of his folks are unemployed and live off benefits (welfare). He spends his weekends drinking and has also taken a position at a bar cleaning tables. His listens to screamer rock music constantly and sometime, to pass time, will go to the "Peace line" to pick a fight. He wanders the street mostly because there is nothing else to do. I had the opportunity to meet his folks who just turned their head to see me and then turn back to watch TV. This is the entirety of his life. He is part of my mission here, and a glimpse into the numerous problems that lie here in Belfast, as he is not a mionority.

Please pray for me and the people I meet here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maeder!, we will be praying for you here! It's good to hear how things are going so far, thanks for the update.
